Easter is only a month away. Are you ready? Year after year, the holiday somehow sneaks up on me. Many of us may already have plans for the day itself, but have you spent time meditating on the meaning behind Easter? The Resurrection is the most significant event in our faith. It’s so important that Paul wrote, “If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless, and so is your faith” (1 Corinthians 15:14). Don’t let the holiday pass you by without taking a few extra moments to remember the moment that changed everything. These are five prayers you can pray to prepare your heart for Easter. 


“Forgive Me”

Repentance is a crucial step to preparing your heart for Easter. The entire narrative of Scripture tells the story of sinners in need of a Savior. Not only did our Savior come to walk among us and die to take on the penalty for our sins, but He also rose to conquer the power of sin and death. As Easter approaches, I invite you to examine your heart and identify areas of sin and idolatry. Don’t let yourself get in a shame spiral or shut down because you’ve failed. Instead, ask for forgiveness and delight in the grace that God offers. 


“Lord, Have Mercy”

One of my favorite Lenten rituals of the Anglican church I attended after college was singing Kyrie Elieson leading up to Easter. It was a simple melody in a minor key that simply said, “Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.” When we look around at a world broken by sin and destruction, sometimes we don’t have words to pray. We see the pain, the death, the suffering, and the destruction, and it breaks our hearts. When these things grieve your heart, you don’t need to pray anything fancy. Instead, you can simply pray, “Lord, have mercy.” 


“Help My Unbelief”

Mark chapter 9 tells the story of a father bringing his son to Jesus for healing. An evil spirit plagued his son, and he asked if Jesus could help. Upon hearing this, He assures the father that He can do anything, and the man says, “I do believe; help my unbelief!” We all have felt this. We know who Jesus is and what He can do, but we feel the reality of our own weakness and humanity. The period leading up to Easter has historically been a time when people give up things. This provides an opportunity to experience just how frail we are without our little comforts and vices. It’s fascinating how we can give up social media or sugary drinks for just one day and already feel like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Our sin becomes so much more evident when we’re uncomfortable, and our weakness reminds us we cannot be righteous in our own power. This reminder is a gift. It gives us the opportunity to experience Christ’s power to a greater extent. So if you’re feeling weak or weary in this season or struggling to have faith, you can simply pray, “I believe, Lord, help my unbelief.”


“Open My Eyes”

As we approach the most significant day in the church calendar, moments of God’s power come to mind. We meditate on a story filled with miracles and fulfillments of prophecies, all leading up to a dead man who was no longer dead. Because Jesus didn’t stay in the tomb, we know He is still working in our world today. Yet we can become so blinded to it as we rush through our busy schedules. If you want to be amazed by God, all you have to do is pray that He opens your eyes to see what He’s doing all around you. It’s a simple prayer, but it will grow your faith like never before.


“Do It Again!”

Our world is filled with so many negative narratives. We hear bad news every day, and we’re constantly confronted by what we can’t do rather than what we can. But my God is not bound by these things. He made the lame walk and the blind see. He is freeing captives and healing brokenness. He raises dead things to life and makes beauty from ashes. Anything that He’s done before, He can do again. So if you feel easily discouraged, it might be good to meditate on what God’s done in the past. This remembrance shows us who God is, and His character never changes. And because we have the same Spirit in us who rose Christ from the dead, we get to be active participants in bringing Heaven to Earth through this radical reality-shifting redemption. So as Easter quickly approaches, allow yourself to get pumped. This story is not over yet; you may see amazing things yet this year. So get excited – this is a time to celebrate!


Life can get so hectic and chaotic. We try to juggle too many balls and spin too many plates. We feel torn between too many people’s expectations or even crushed under the weight of our own expectations. We allow our mood to shift when we have too many bills to pay or too many tasks to complete. And it’s not getting any easier. If we’re not careful, Easter can just be another hectic event penciled into our calendar. It will come and go with nothing more than a flustered Easter morning getting ready for church and a home-cooked ham with your family. 


Dear one, Jesus invites you into so much more than this. Will you respond? Don’t let this month pass you by without taking some extra time to spend with Him and reflect on the significance of this event. If you pray these five prayers to prepare your heart for Easter, you will have much to celebrate on Resurrection Sunday!

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